Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Horrible am I?

So I've never quite been the best blogger in the world honestly. I have a few all over the web, but it's bad when you set one up and completely forgot that you had. Which is the case with this blog right here. I'll play a little catch up here in the next few days on what I've been up to and what you can expect to see soon.

We just set up our facebook page for VinylAffliction. Feel free to become a fan for great deals and even coupon codes for Etsy I will be adding additional photos to the facebook page later today and throughout the week. Only the really basic things are up there right now.

Check out our Current Etsy shop here:

And our VinylAffliction blog is here:
I've had a number of shows that have kept me busy for the last year which were all phenomenal. This year I've decided to focus more of my energy on the teaching of things vs the selling of finished goods, so I have many awesome tutorials for all the DIY junkies like myself.

Also hoping to get back into screen printing a little more regularly in 2011.